Awe, first Halloween... Up on the Ave, by our house, the shopkeepers were having a little trick or treating for the kiddies. I got Dylan all dressed up and we headed up to see all the fun costumes. We spent a few weeks trying to think of a good costume for D. Everyone kept asking 'What's Dylan going to be for her first Halloween?'... I thought of a little Dalai Lama or Buddah, or Dorothy from the Wizzard of Oz or one of the flying monkey's, Little Red Riding Hood and her big bad black dog wolf, a squirrel... but final decision was Dylan in Wonderland. Here's a few great shots her dad got.
D was soooo excited! She was grinning from ear to ear. But then again she's usually grinning from ear to ear.
We decked out the stroller and went up to the Ave for a little trick or treatin' fun. People kept offering Dylan candy, one lady offered her a lollypop and I was like 'Uh, no thank you, she doesn't have any teeth'. The lady smiled and I realized neither did she.
Here's D's perspective. We followed Thing 1 and Thing 2 for a while, saw lots of witches, puppy dogs, fairies, lady bugs, cowboys, and we even talked to a banana. Mr. banana commented on how smily D was and I said "Yeh, I think she thinks you're breakfast". He laughed and walked off, I don't think he thought I was serious.
I love this next picture. It looks as though we were in the middle of telling Dylan and Maggie a spooky ghost story as they both seem to have the same expression on their face. What you don't know in the making of this shot was me behind Matt behind the camera saying 'cookie' - awe, the magic you don't see that happens behind the camera.
Happy first Halloween Dylan. It looked as though you enjoyed yourself, I know your Mom and Dad did! Maybe next year you can have that lollypop.