The other night Matt, Dylan, and Maggie all went downstairs to watch a movie and give mom a little special alone time. Dylan's been into Clifford The Big Red Dog after seeing him on exhibit at the Children's Museum a few weeks ago, so Matt found a Clifford movie on Netflix to watch. (We just got a new projector system set up downstairs so it's really fun to watch stuff on the big screen plus Dylan loves curling up on the couch with Maggie). I'm upstairs getting some work done when I hear Dylan start crying - crying like something happened crying. I looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late, I figured she got bored of the movie and started climbing on something and got hurt. I resisted going downstairs to let Matt work it out but I kept hearing her cry. I was getting a little more concerned when I heard the troops coming up the basement stairs - Dylan still crying. I opened the door to find her red faced, alligator tears, arms reached out, and choking out the words "puppy, car, pppuuupppyy, ccar". She clearly was upset about something that happened in the movie. "Gosh, I thought, it's Clifford, what could be soooo traumatic?". I finally was able to get her to calm down 10 minutes later! It was past bedtime so i got her to bed but then you could see the wheels turning again and the thoughts of Clifford coming back into her little brain "pppupppppy, cccar". After a few more minutes of assuring her that Clifford was alright she fell asleep. I then went out and poor Matt, the look on his face, still trying to figure out what it was that upset her. We talked about the movie and what happened in it to make D so upset. Basically in a nutshell Clifford felt he needed to get a job to help buy dog food (you know cause he sooo big and eats soooo much) so he ran off and joined the circus. The owner of the circus was trying to sell Clifford and a few people from the circus were trying to rescue Clifford so they put him in a car to take him back to his family - this was the part where Dylan lost it. The movie had a happy ending, Clifford made it back to his family and got big hugs and kisses but apparently Dylan didn't see that part over all the tears. Poor thing - who knew?!