Saturday, March 28, 2009

Week One

Dylan right at home at her changing table. You can see pictures of Christine as a little girl and Matt being held by his brother Ben.

Life is pretty simple when you are only one week old. All you have to concern yourself with is getting something to eat, getting your diaper changed, being held most, if not all of the time and sleeping. For fun, you throw in a little crying to drive home the point of your needs, pee when there is no diaper on and for real fun, you projectile poop during the diaper change and watch the clean-up crew dive into action. Yes in deed, life is simple when you are only one week old.

In the many congratulatory emails I received this past week, one in particular was very funny. My friend Paul commented on how beautiful Dylan is and I responded "...what's funny is that something that gorgeous can launch pooh nearly an entire meter. Go figure." Paul quickly replied: "Many scientists have correlated anal fortitude with outward beauty. In fact several supermodels are documented "poozookas." At a Billy Joel family picnic, Christy Brinkley launched a turd 53 feet. And there's a rumor that a "Kate Moss misfire" actually killed a Key grip during a shoot in Brazil." So Key Grip friends be warned. Since neither of us are that tall, I doubt we have a supermodel, but we know she's been born with some fortitude!

Dylan after her first bath just after proof of her "fortitude." This was the event that painted the nursery and as far away as the hallway. Good thing the dog was sound asleep for this episode.

We're slowly finding our rythm here with Dylan in our lives. We find she has got the feeding schedule down and doesn't disapoint. We can nearly tell time with her hungry cries. Now and then, she throws in an extra feeding for a growth spurt or something.

During this first week of life, highlights have included visits from both grandmothers, lots of time with Auntie Jill, some time with Paca Phil and Uncle Ben, Aunt Liz and cousin Jackson. A doctor visit wasn't too bad on day three of life. No poking or blood draws or shots made it especially good. On top of that, the good news of minimal weight loss was welcomed news. Looks like we are on the climb now with weight.
Dylan wrapped up her mom's arms for a little nap.

All in all, things are good. Dylan is a pleasant little girl. She's so easy going. She is far from demanding. Her biggest need aside from eating is just being held. And that is one thing we just can't resist!
Dylan in her dad's lap all happy and content.

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