Yeah Auntie Beans (aka Beaner, Beanie, Jill...) is back visiting from Hawaii. Jill came out March 4th for Dylan's arrival. When it got to the 17th and still no baby, Jill took me out for a long long walk - she was ready for that baby to come out. After the walk she asked "anything?", I was like "sorry". Matt got home that night and rubbed my ankles and feet - exactly the spots to induce labor - then rolled over to go to sleep, he was exhausted. As I laid down I felt Dylan slide down, lock into place, and a big gush of water. I shook Matt - "Uh Matt, my water just broke!" And that was the beginning of Dylan's birth. Jill was the first to the hospital to meet Dylan Ray Nicole. We gave Dylan the middle name Nicole after my sister just 'cuz we all love her so much. Guess it was my way of saying thanks for being a great sister and my best friend.
Now that she's back after a month and a half she's amazed at how much our little monkey's grown. First thing Dylan did when she saw Auntie Beans was smile.
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