Last night we had a sleeping record! This might even make the Guinness Book of World Records ~ I'll have to check. Last night I put Dylan to bed at 7pm, she was so tired I didn't even have to make a second or third trip back to pop in her chew~chew (aka binky, pacifier). Our girl slept solid until 5am - that is 10 hours! Holy cow!!!! And that was 10 hours in her crib. I heard her stirring so I went to go grab her - she had Hoodinied two legs and one arm out of her swaddle - sorry I was too sleepy to remember to take a picture. And I got a big smile. We got her diaper changed, fed, and brought her to our bed for a 2 1/2 hour cuddle. Thank you Dylan!!!! Here's a few pictures from her nap - this is what I get to walk into every time she wakes up.... it's very yummy!
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