or not so adora as we found out last night. Who knew these beautiful, yummy smelling flowers that are blooming all over right now (one of my favorites) are highly poisonous. You can see where this is going. Yes, last night we made our first call to poison control! All is fine, Dylan is good, and we are all back to breathing!
Last night at dinner, while I had my back turned fixing her next round of food, D reached over and grabbed a little bowl with a cluster of Daphne. I heard her choking and turned around to find the water gone (think she drank it). I quickly checked her mouth to find a flower (they are small thank goodness) in her mouth, which I quickly removed. I noticed two of the small pedals where missing. I immediately got on the phone with poison control to explain what happened. I was informed that the plant was highly poisonous (great) and I should watch Dylan for burning, redness, and sores in the mouth. Of course she was crying all through the call, which the operator asked about, I told her she's crying because a) she's teething and was awoken early from her nap by Maggie barking and b) because I just had crammed my hand down her throat! As I removed Dylan's bib I discovered one of the missing two pedals (good just down to one small pedal!). I thanked the operator for her help but then was ready to smack her as her last words were "Try not to let this happen again". Uh, duh! Like I meant for it to happen in the first place!
I gave Dylan a bath and let her suck on a washcloth. Before bed I checked her out throughly and then so a few times during the night. She woke up smiling and today seems to be her perfectly happy self. THANK GOD!
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