This past weekend Matt had a taste of single parenting. We've had this big camping trip planned with Uncle Ben, Auntie Liz, Cousin J-man, & Matt's Cousin Elissa and family for months. When it came down to time to go Momma C wasn't so well and had to stay home. So Matt braved it, packed up the girl, the dog, the van and headed out to a beautiful lake near Mount St. Helen's. Let's just say he didn't get a chance to take any pictures - hum, wonder why? busy chasing a 16 month old? Here's a few that were given to us. Apparently they all had tons of fun - Dylan got to go in a canoe with her cousins, which she loved, sit by the campfire, AND sleep in a tent with her dad and dog! Good times where had by all and besides a few mosquito bites, a little scrap on d's nose, and a very dusty dog all survived. AND Momma C got to rest up and get to all those little projects around the house that she seems to never have time to get to (helped keep my mind off of all the fun being had without me)!

Nothing like a cold refreshing Hamm's beer after a long day at the lake!
Cousin's Elissa & Bryn.
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