Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tea, Trains, Vanilla Fro, And G-ma Montana

G-ma Montana came for a visit a few weeks back and was greeted with a nice cup of tea and a chat with miss Dylan - you know they had a lot to catch up on.

And they chatted and chatted away for quite sometime over many cups of tea.

At some point the hair brush came out - apparently Dylan felt that she needed to fix her hair.

And Maggie's (sorry about your brush G-ma).

The next morning Dylan woke up and fixed some more tea, she was getting ready for G-ma to wake up. As you can see from the picture below that it must have been a good night sleep for miss d, as she was supporting her, well what we call, vanilla fro.

A day before G-ma's arrival Mr. Amazon delivery man had brought a big box to our doorstep in which we were instructed not to open until G-ma arrived. So Dylan was all ready to go when G-ma came upstairs that morning - tea was made and she was waiting....

"Oh boy Gandma! A choo, choo!!!!" Oh the excitement in that room! (We weren't sure who was more excited G-ma or Dylan). After our trip to Europe Dylan has been all about trains - I can't tell you how many times we've read Thomas the Freight Train!

"Over here Gandma, let's build it over here. Okay I have the directions right here.... now let's see this piece goes here, and this piece...."

Hours of entertainment right here!

Oh and by the way I spelled Gandma the way I did because that's the way Dylan pronounced it "Come Gandma Come. Come play Gandma". They were best buds for the entire week.

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