And to top the evening off Anne, I mean Nan, served ice cream for dessert, which Dylan dug into with two spoons and a big ol' smile. The girl loves her ice cream!

While we were at Nan's, she reminded me of a very funny story. A few weeks back we were over for a visit. Dylan had a really bad blow out in her diaper so Nan gave her a bath. We let her run around nakie for a few minutes while getting her change of clothes ready. Dylan was standing on Nan's new carpet, which she had just got done telling us how it was pee-free, when we looked over to see a yellow stream coming from Dylan's mid-drift. I panicked and grabbed for the first thing I could find to catch the pee, which happened to be a plastic measuring cup. As the cup filled up Nan looked at me and said "uh, I use that for baking" - and we both laughed until tears rolled down our faces.
After a quick clean up of Nan's Dylan trashed house, we packed up the car and headed home. It was pretty quiet from the back seat - I think someone might have had ice cream belly.

We got home, had a quick "nana" and called it a night.
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