The other night I came home from a day of work, Dylan saw me and started putting on her shoes and coat. When I asked her where she was going she said "I'm going outside to play croquet." As it was dark out I suggested we swing instead. So as miss d was swinging we talked about our days and then she says to me "hey mom, let's have couscous for dinner" and so we did.
I was meeting with our friend Darin the other night (he's helping us with our basement remodel). We were in the basement talking and Dylan was down there running around as we chatted. All of a sudden I heard something that sounded like water and then a toilet seat go down. I looked Darin in the eye and we both started silently cracking up. Dylan, who is potty training, ran over to the toilet in the basement, dropped trough, peed in the pot, and put the seat down all by herself. She then came running over to us yelling "I did it, I did it." so proud. Darin was just about crying as he was laughing so hard - you see the toilet wasn't installed and I didn't have the heart to tell her not to use it. And the funny thing is that she's gone in that toilet now three other times all by herself - guess we best be getting that thing installed here soon!
The other day after Little Gym we headed to the coffee shop for a 'special treat'. Dylan got her whoopie pie, I got my coffee, and we grabbed a doggie treat for Maggie which Dylan put in the pocket of her new cute little rain coat. We got home and first thing d did was give Maggie her treat and put her coat in her room (good girl!). Later that day Dylan says "mom, Maggie is scratching at my jacket". When I walked into Dylan's room I saw Dylan's coat had been ripped up, apparently Maggie could still smell the cookie in the pocket. Dylan saw the coat and said "uttoh mom, Maggie ripped my jacket. I need a doctor but I don't have a car." So the next day we took d's coat to the jacket doctor and no, I didn't give her the car.
Shortly after the 'jacket doctor' incident Matt had a bike race. He called after the race to say that he was going to be a little later getting home as he had to 'stop by the hospital to get a few stitches'. When I got off the phone Dylan says to me "what's wrong with dad? Did he tear himself? He needs to go see the jacket doctor. Mom call his friends he needs help.".
The other morning I asked Dylan if she wanted hot chocolate she said 'no mom, i'm going to have coffee, i have it all the time.".
Later I said it was time to get dressed, d turned and said "mom, I need some special alone time to play you a beautiful song.". How could you argue with that!
Today at the library we were looking through the videos for Bob the Builder - her new favorite - think she's getting tips on how to help her dad in the basement. After looking we didn't see any, next thing I new Dylan walked right over to the Librarian counter and asked her "excuse me, do you have any Bob the Builder video's" - such a big girl!
And these are just a few of the funny things pouring out of miss Dylan's mouth... she is a crack up or what she would say 'a goof ball'.
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