Saturday, December 17, 2011

Toddler Bed

The bar comes down. It was time. Dylan could pretty much climb in and out of her bed for some time now but luckily for some reason she didn't (which was unbelievable by many being the little monkey girl she is). But we hit a period where where she started saying "I don't like my yittle bed". So we decided it was time to take the bar down and give her her toddler bed. She was so excited but when she saw the change she said 'now lift it up dad'. Apparently she had it in her mind that she was getting a bunk bed. Oops!.

Maggie and Pappa Matt did some fast talking and now it's "I love my toddler bed, it's so cozy.". Nice work dad! Thumbs up by all.

But now every night anywhere between 2 and 4 I hear the little patter of feet and then a little voice by my side of the bed saying 'knock, knock' as she's climbing over me - and yes, she really does say 'knock, knock'.

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