Our little one is officially a year and a half! Holy cow! and so much fun I might add. Dylan has quite the outgoing personality I'd say. She loves to yell hello and goodbye to people she meets (everywhere and anywhere), she's talking & babbling up a storm (I think we might have a little chatty Cathy on our hands), she loves a good adventure, babies, animals, cooking, gardening, water of any kind, food, her dad, her 'puppy' Maggie, books, dancing, tea parties, and coloring.
At her doctor's appointment she weighted in at 27 lbs 6.5 oz (86% percentile), height is 34" (97% percentile), and her head measured 48.1 cm (88% percentile - guess she takes after her dad in this arena). As far as everything else she's right on or ahead of the curve.

Here's a cute little photo from our babysitter Kristie. Looks like they were having fun!
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