How do you bake a great batch of cookies you ask? Well Miss Dylan Childs is here to show you how in her 2nd cooking show.
"We're serious about our cookies over here at camp Clark. When my mom was pregnant with me she baked batch after batch of cookies (I think my Auntie Beans can actually tell you how many). So I guess you might say baking is in my blood. The only thing better than walking into a house filled with the delicious smell of cookies in the oven is taking a bite of one! Today I'm going to show you how to bake a scrumptious sprinkle cookie."
"Okay, so first you carefully remove the cookies from the container - sometimes it helps to use your spatula."

"Or sometimes it's easier to just get in there and use your hands. I personally like to be hands on things when baking."

"And I really take this serious!"

"Once you have your cookies out of the can arrange then on your cookie tray."

"Sometimes they stick to the can so I give them a good shake to get them out. For those of you wondering what's up with the doctor's kit it's for my new up coming show 'D-watch' or maybe I'll call it 'Doogie D MD' I haven't decided yet. It's also good kitchen safety to have a medical kit standing by."

"You want to make sure your oven is preheated to 350 degrees - and be careful it's very hot! I always warn my baby & rabbit before opening the oven door. AND I always wear my oven mitts!"

"Once you have the cookies in the oven bake for 7-9 minutes."

"That's just enough time to jump on your rocking horse for a quick rockka-rockka-roo."

"Awe Cookies are done! Now for the really fun part - EATING THEM!!! ~ enjoy."

"And the great thing about pretend cookies in a can is that you can repack the can for another fun filled day of baking! Thanks for joining me on another D-Tv baking series."

Our producers would like to thank Madison Murphy for all the great photos.
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