The other night the McBride family had a reunion gathering. Since we all seem to have October/November birthday's and Auntie Beans was in town we all got together to celebrate. Uncle Shawn and his fiancee Kelly, G-ma McBride and her 'special friend' Rick (well I think it's safe to say boyfriend now since there is a promise ring involved), Auntie Beans and her boyfriend, Daryl, and the Clark clan. Congrads to Shawn and Kelly on getting engaged and to G-ma McBride & Rick for promise rings and moving in together - lots of big news that night! Great to see everyone and catch up. It was a fun evening and of course some good laughs.
Dylan loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday and immediately started signing More, More before it even ended. Luckily there were a few birthday's that night.
Dylan got bored at the table and wanted to walk around. She and her dad found some special seating back in the corner.
Dylan then wanted everyone to come sit in the back corner with her. Here's Jill and Daryl joining in on the fun.
And the best part of the evening Auntie Beans made us all a special Apple and Gruyere Pie that was to die for. Dylan LOVED the ice cream part of the evening and going from booth to booth joining all her new friends for dinner - she met lots of people that night, a few even asked if they could take her home.
Wow! So fun! I miss everyone so much! I really need to make a trip out to Seattle in the near future!