Monday, August 13, 2012


Well, it is summer time.  And what else do you do in the summer but try new stuff out.  So we've had rock climbing, BMX racing, a dance recital and now soccer.  Yup, D is trying it out.  So far, she loves it.

As a competitive girl that she is, Dylan isn't happy when someone steals her ball in some of the drills and she is still figuring out the no hands thing, but she's getting there.  Her coach, Coach Jessie, really cracks the whip and keeps the little kickers interested and in line.  We're going to roll with this one through the fall and let her enjoy some fun soccer time.  Here's some more pics.

There's Coach Jessie and some of the other kids.

Dylan and this girl were immediately fast friends.  They went everywhere on the field together.

Dylan got her first soccer jersey after practice.  She'll be one of the kids running around in blue in the next round of soccer photos.

Good thing is this place is indoors so come fall and rain, they'll keep playing and having fun.

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