Sunday, March 4, 2012

How To Potty Train 101

When you think they are ready to start trying to use the potty you take them to Ikea and stand them outside the window looking into the super fun ballroom. You then look them in the eye and say 'oh boy, doesn't that look like soooo much fun! If you want to go in and play you must first learn to use the potty like a big .... (insert boy or girl).'. For the next few weeks you remind them every day (two, three, four times even) of that ballroom. Works like a charm. March 3rd Dylan made it into the ballroom ~ milestone! We even waited in line for 20 minutes for that darn ballroom but we were determined! Way to go Dylan!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. And then you come out to the farm and it all falls apart for a few hours. ;D I saw dropped trousers this afternoon. BRRR!
